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Helpful websites

Farm Aid Directory

This search tool can you help you discover over 750 organizations that work directly with farmers. 

You can search by:

  • Type of farm

  • State

  • Type of assistance

Access the directory here

NC Cooperative Extension When to Plant Guide

NC Cooperative Extension created this helpful guide to assist local growers.​ It breaks down when to plant specific fruits, vegetables, and herbs based on different NC regions. 

View the guide here.

Farm Commons


Farm Commons works to educate farmers about farm law and provide them with important legal knowledge.

You can learn about laws regarding:

  • Workers/labor

  • Running a business

  • Land

  • Food Safety

  • Sales and Contracts

  • Tourism

  • Value Added Products

  • Insurance

Learn more here

Farm Hack

Farm Hack is an online community of farmers that build or modify their own tools. You can access images, videos, and tutorials to replicate their projects on your own farm. 

Access the site online here

Practical Farmers of Iowa

This network is dedicated to building resilient farming communities. They collect and share best practices related to starting, growing, and maintaining a farm. ​

Visit their site here

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