NC Corporate Giving Guide
Click on any of the icons below to see a list of corporate grants specifically tailored to your organization's needs. You can filter by three categories: funding priority, geographic location, and support type. The list includes important information like application deadlines, eligibility requirements, and more.
Shell Oil Company makes monetary and in kind (computers and technology) grants to nonprofit organizations and religious organizations (with non-denominational priorities) near communities where the company or its affiliates are located. Unsolicited proposals are encouraged and considered by the Company’s giving arm.
N/A; rolling application.
Funding Priorities:
Biodiversity initiatives
Critical eco system support
Water and air quality research
Wetland initiatives
Threatened wildlife and/or habitats
Civic and human needs
Healthy lifestyles
Cultural arts
Disaster relief efforts
Diversity and inclusion
Technical career awareness
K-12 programs
STEM education
Vocational and technical schools
Women/minority students
Ethnically diverse enrollment
Geographic Location:
Shell Oil Company provides funding to organizations state wide.
Grant Size:
Four funding categories are offered:
Less than $2,500
$2,501 up to $9,999
$10,000 up to $49,999
More than $50,000
Apply for the category that aligns with your project budget and funding needs.
Please be prepared to submit an IRS statement that validates your organizations 501(c) tax status.
Allow four to six weeks for review of applications, you can check on the status of your application by logging into the online platform on which you submit your materials.
Last updated 7/10/2018